Name: Celia Subia, RN, BSN, PHN Credentialed School Nurse
Phone: (559) 253-6470
Health Services:​ (559) 457-3294

Meds at school

Medications at school  fall under California Education Code.  It requires that we have a written statement from the doctor naming the medication, the amount, the time  and how it is to be taken.  In addition we also need to have a parent’s signature  in order to assist the student with their medication.

We have medication forms that can found on the web site or the school has them. They must be updated each school year. They are required for all medications even over the counter medications such as Tylenol or Advil. They are also required if your student is going to be carrying their own inhaler and using it themselves.  Medications must be in a properly labeled bottled.

When to keep your student at home:

Please keep your student at home when they have any of these symptoms:  

  • a fever over 100 degrees
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • eye infection with thick discharge
  • red eyes, nasal discharge, headache and sore throat
  • or a combination of the above symptoms

Please allow your student to be symptom free for 24 hours before he/she returns to school to avoid exposing other students.​​

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